The exponential growth of IT power (represented by Moore’s law), storage capacity (Kryder’s law), data transmission (e.g. Butter’s law), and other physical embodiments of computing is familiar. Just as well known is the slower rate of development in the utility of computers – software has gotten more powerful, but the rate of improvement does not seem to be as swift as in hardware, though measuring improvements in software is somehow impressive.

Nevertheless the rapid growth of online shopping, streaming, home office and connectivity itself leads to a bigger demand of Data Centers (DCs) and IT power in central Europe, Germany and especially in Berlin.

Thus, our mission is to develop new sites across Germany and Austria, that offer sufficient power to build new data centers and expand the overall connectivity in Germany.


“It’s become fashionable to say that the Internet is dead.” The problem with web-bashing, of course, is that the Internet is one of the most powerful technologies ever created and the idea that we have exhausted its potential two decades after starting exploiting it commercially is as ridiculous as saying that there was nothing left to do with electricity after the light bulb.
Companies like Facebook, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Alibaba, even Tesla and YouTube demonstrate that the future of all products is online.

Advances in cloud and other computing technologies radically reduce the costs of starting and running new businesses, creating opportunities for even larger returns. As a general matter, Internet companies that will outperform are the companies that take the Internet seriously – as a technology for transferring information on a scale and at a level of convenience that can’t be replicated elsewhere – and therefore we need its power to translate those ideas into cash.



The correlation between wealth and energy use is extremely high and whichever direction the causality runs a future world of greater material comfort is going to be one that uses more energy (certainly in the aggregate). Unfortunately, conventional sources of energy are extremely problematic, tangled up with political and environmental costs, and in the case of oil, significant geologic constraints. 
Alternative sources of energy represent a tremendous opportunity, but as the persistently rising real costs of energy show, we have made little progress in generating more energy more cheaply. This shows a lack of power supply in compliance with the demand.


Many different trends and technologies are driving the development of Data Centers.
These will also be the cornerstones of the development in the current decade that we are already facing as of today. We will have to deal with IoT (Internet of things), EDGE computing, Green Data Centers, Cloud Data Centers and the combination of Cloud and EDGE as the world’s population is growing at an unprecedented rate. It is expected that 66% of the planet will consist of urban metro areas by 2050 and therefore the need for digitization will be strongly pushed.
Furthermore, due to climate change, it is in our common interest to reduce our carbon footprint in an energy swallowing industry by using and developing more efficient cooling technologies, rethinking the use of potable water, implementing capex and opex saving construction methodologies and steadily improving our supply chains down to the lowest level of the overall process.

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